

Revolutionizing Retail with AI-driven Solutions
nybl assists the retail industry with AI-driven solutions to enhance retail operations, customer service, supply chain management, and employee support, ensuring personalized shopping experiences and streamlined store-to-supplier connectivity.


Product Efficacy and Advantages 

Optimized Retail Performance

nybl empowers retailers with enhanced store operations and customer service through efficient assistance-request management, advanced AI and chatbot capabilities to handle customer inquiries, complaints, and feedback, and simple dissemination of critical information and updates to store portals to maintain consistency and transparency.


Supply Chain and Vendor Management

With nybl’s advanced and customizable solutions, the retail industry redefines supply chain and vendor management with innovative features.
The self-service portal grants vendors autonomy simplifies onboarding processes through automation, and enables API integration for real-time data exchange to enhance efficiency and competitiveness.

Store Asset Management

nybl’s intelligent solutions provide a comprehensive store asset management system, allowing retail enterprises to seamlessly input, monitor, and manage assets across individual stores. By leveraging automation, nybl streamlines repairs and issue resolution, significantly reducing warranty calls and ensuring optimal asset performance.

store asset

Return On Investment

nybl aims to ensure maximum ROI for enterprises. By utilizing existing data and predicting future challenges, our technology will support your enterprise scale with the highest ROI.

Value Add

nybl replaces training data with turnkey intelligence based on subject-matter expertise and proven data behavior models to assist enterprises in getting value out of data without incurring costs related to Data Science and Machine Learning.

Faster Integration

nybl is designed to support enterprises in swiftly reaching higher value. Our innovative applications facilitate easy deployments, enabling organizations to build and integrate their own machine-learning models.

Retail Transformation through Democratized AI 

With its newfangled and democratized AI-driven solutions, nybl assists the retail industry in enhancing the customer journey, from product discovery to transactions, acquisition, and consumption. nybl empowers retailers to optimize operations, analyze demand variability, elevate customer service, streamline supply chains, and automate asset management.

Create a proactive strategy to address shopper needs by leveraging nybl’s AI and facilitate predictive analytics, anticipatory stock management, real-time adjustments, and user-experience optimization.